Healthy Alternatives to Fast Food

The healthiest fast food chain to date, according to Healthline blogger Adda Bjarnadottir, is Chipotle. Not only does Chipotle offer a variety of tacos and burritos, but the company also makes efforts to use only organic and local indredients with meats from naturally raised animals. Their menu offers healthy foods such as salads, meats, veggies, rice, beans, and guacamole. However, for the cost of a week's worth of Chipotle burritos, a person could easily shop for and create numerous other dishes with the ingredients if they purchase it themselves at their local market. There are countless alternatives to heading to the local drive-thru, and many of these alternatives can be found online. Photo Source: AHU Online WebMD suggests stocking up on the following foods to prepare yourself for making food for the week without having to rush to the drive-thru: - Whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, and prepared pizza crust - Milk, eggs, canned...